Thursday, February 13, 2020

Talking it out with my husband

I have been married to my husband for just over 10 years.  We've been together for about 14 years. He has seen me slowly gain weight since I met him.  When we started dating, I weighed probably about 150-160. 4 years later, when we were married, I weighed 175, (and had to exercise and diet to get there).  

After my first baby, which in included huge weight gain and birthing a 9# 10oz baby, I dropped some of my baby weight but slowly, over the next 5 years, my weight crept bank up to about 220. We had been trying for a 2nd child, but it wasn't going well.  I had two heartbreaking miscarriages and we had decided a second child probably wasn't in the cards for us. I joined Weight Watchers (for maybe my third or fourth time) with my sister in law and we actually did really well on the program.  I got down to almost 200 pounds.  I was gearing up to hit one-derland when BAM, I got pregnant with my daughter. (Another HUGE weight gain, HUGE baby, HUGE mama). At this point, my belly was toast and I had that lovely flap thing going on, which not only was painful, but EW.  Over the next four years, my weight crept up to the highest it had ever been. 240. The day I weighed in at the KCBC, that was the highest I had ever been. 

Now, I know that there are patients that are a lot heavier than I am and in comparison, my weight is some people's goal weight, I was seeing it all over the KCBC facebook page.  But all I knew was that my doctor was talking to my about my weight, I felt like crap, and I couldn't do all the things I always wanted to do with my kids. Plus, I'm 5'2", no matter how you look at it, 240 on a frame that small is not good. So this decision was right for me. 

I spoke to my husband about it and I know that I'm a lucky one. He told me he didn't think it was necessary and that he thought I was beautiful (**SOB**). He also told me he liked my stomach because that was only from our babies (**DOUBLE SOB**). But he was supportive of whatever decision I made. 

So with that discussion out of the way and talks about how our life would change, I called the center and made my initial $250 payment. 

                                                    Wedding day Oct, 2009 - 175#

                                         The night before I went into labor with my 1st. June, 2010
                                    The night before I went into labor with my 2nd. June, 2016

                                                                        This is 240

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