Friday, August 21, 2020

EGD - Endoscopy

 I will go into a little more detail about all that was involved in the EGD, which is basically just an endoscopy. This is still during the pandemic, so there were some restrictions. 

I was required to get a COVID test before the procedure and they scheduled it the Wednesday before. I had to quarantine until my surgery date and just worked from home.

The EGD is done in the same building, just on the other side on the surgery wing. My sister in law took me and we had to wait in the parking lot until they called us in. It was a busy place with only the sheets on curtain rods for privacy, which is not idea, but fine. The nurses that set me up with my IV and oxygen were so sweet and attentive. I probably waited about 30 minutes and they wheeled me back to the room.  It all happened pretty quick. My sister in law was able to stay with me right up until they wheeled me back. They got my anesthesia going and put this gimpy thing in my mouth to guide the tube and I was knocked out. I woke up back where I started.  The after nurse DID NOT have the bedside manner the first ones had. I almost had to laugh because she was mean! I got my mask back on, and was back out the door.  The whole thing took maybe 2 hours. My sister in law had to drive me home.  The anesthesia knocked me out and I slept most of the afternoon.  My throat was sore, but not until later.  But, it's nothing to be scared of, it just always sucks to be put under. 

That's all I got to say about that.